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Strategic perspective <=>Mouse click away<=>Operational perspective
DecisionMaps™ enable you to see a specific decision from both a strategic and an operational perspective at the click of your mouse.

DecisionMaps turn your decision data into pictures that reveal the best solution.  A DecisionMap picture of the best solution has a totally different appearance than DecisionMaps of poor solutions; so, you know with certainty that you have found the best solution.

DecisionMaps have helped CEOs and other executives correctly decide issues ranging from strategic to operational.  For example: Where should we expand?; Which locations are helping our bottom line?; Hurting it?; WHY?; Is the advertising program effective?; Are sales personnel optimally assigned?; Is the current distribution system the most efficient?; Etc.

Copyright © 2000; revised 2017 GAPuzey Consultants.  All rights reserved.
DecisionMaps and DecisionMap are service marks of GAPuzey Consultants.