What makes a sale profitable? Your business model determines the profitability of serving specific customer and geographic market segments. Most executives inherit their business model. As a result, some do not understand the real model and make changes that hurt profits. The very few executives who take the time to really understand the current model and then create their own improved model are usually very successful.
Business models are complex. Picturing them in your head is not possible. A DecisionMap™ (picture) is an excellent way to grasp the total business model -- including the distribution system.
Executives, and other key decision-makers, using DecisionMaps™ to visualize their business model and distribution system often find self-imposed limitations blocking sales opportunities.
Does your company have a picture, or pictures, that enable your executives to understand how your business model and distribution system really work? How much value could be generated if your executives really understood your business systems when making decisions? How many sales opportunities are being lost because unrecognized, self-imposed limitations are making them appear to be unprofitable?
The following case example is highly summarized.
Case Study 168: Growing profits by finding & removing self-imposed limitations.
Problem: How to make an unprofitable purchase offer profitable?
Situation: A major prospect told a courting supplier that they could have the business if.... The "if" made the deal unprofitable. How could the deal be closed at a profit?
DecisionMap™: All relevant variables were symbolically represented on a map.
Revealed: Symbolically representing the key variables on a map made it possible to see that the "if" could be met in a way unique to the prospect. The unique solution cost 90% less than the standard solution -- making the deal profitable.
Result: The unique solution was acceptable to the prospect and the supplier gained a long-term relationship with a major new account.
Application: Standard tools yield standard solutions -- no competitive advantage there! DecisionMaps™ enable users to see solutions that would otherwise be overlooked. What opportunities are you and your associates missing because the standard analytical tools are only yielding the standard answers? For help now email the best time and way for us to contact you.
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DecisionMaps and DecisionMap are service marks of GAPuzey Consultants.